
PV 價格趨勢



太陽能產業 1/27 價格趨勢:臨近春節假期,各環節成交清淡,價格趨穩

The price information provided by EnergyTrend is primarily a result of periodical survey of a pool of major manufacturers via telephone, questionnaires, and site visits. EnergyTrend cross-surveys major buyers and suppliers throughout the supply chain and strives to ensure all enclosed price information reflects actuality.

EnergyTrend takes a conservative attitude toward the enclosed price information. All surveyed manufacturers are to be kept anonymous and EnergyTrend will not respond to price enquiry about any individual manufacturer. All statistical numbers gathered are used to derive a particular price quote through weighted calculation.

With the historical contract price information in our database and capability of conducting fast and in-depth market analysis, EnergyTrend is equipped to provide both price trend and market intelligence to our valued members.

More Info:

High - The highest of the prices. Low - The lowest of the prices. Average - The average of all prices. Change= (X-Y) / Y x 100%. X= The Highest price of this item in this issue. Y= The Highest price of this item in the previous issue.

Starting January 2009- Weekly Spot Price (Monthly Price Quotation For Reference)
(Poly-Wafer-Solar Cell-PV Module-ASP)

Starting March 2010- Weekly Spot Price (Poly-Wafer-Solar Cell-PV Module-ASP)

Starting January 2011-Weekly Spot Price(Poly-Wafer-Solar Cell- PV Module- Thin Film Module- PV Inverter)
