

TrendForce--2025 Demand Outlook – 4Q24


AI Server/HBM/Server , LCD , OLED +6


“Industry Dynamics and Demand Outlook” is jointly produced by the following research divisions under TrendForce: Semiconductor Research, Display Research, and ICT Application Research. The report is an integration of their research expertise, and provides the followings: (1) Market Status; (2) Industry Dynamics; and (3) Industry Trends. This report aims to help members grasp on market dynamics, manage investment risks, and formulate business strategies by offering valuable forecasts on the industry.


1. AI Servers
2. Servers
3. Wearables
4. Notebooks
5. Monitors
6. Smartphones
7. Automotive Applications
8. Tablets
9. Televisions

TrendForce 2025 Mini LED 背光顯示趨勢與 OLED 技術競爭分析


OLED , Micro/Mini LED , LED背光 +1


第一章 Mini LED背光/OLED應用出貨與滲透率預估
第二章 Mini LED背光技術發展趨勢
第三章 Mini LED背光/OLED 電視市場
第四章 Mini LED背光/OLED IT市場
第五章 Mini LED車用顯示市場
第六章 Mini LED背光產業動態

TrendForce 2024 近眼顯示市場趨勢與技術分析


LCD , OLED , Micro/Mini LED +1


第一章 近眼顯示裝置發展總覽
第二章 近眼顯示裝置市場趨勢分析
第三章 近眼顯示微顯示技術總覽
3.1 OLEDoS
3.2 LEDoS
3.3 LCD
3.4 LCoS
3.5 DLP
3.6 LBS
3.7 OLED
第四章 產業佈局與廠商動態
