“Industry Dynamics and Demand Outlook” is jointly produced by the following research divisions under TrendForce: Semiconductor Research, Display Research, and ICT Application Research. The report is an integration of their research expertise, and provides the followings: (1) Market Status; (2) Industry Dynamics; and (3) Industry Trends. This report aims to help members grasp on market dynamics, manage investment risks, and formulate business strategies by offering valuable forecasts on the industry.
1. AI Servers
2. Servers
3. Wearables
4. Notebooks
5. Monitors
6. Smartphones
7. Automotive Applications
8. Tablets
9. Televisions
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據全球市場研究機構集邦科技TrendForce觀察,自2023年ChatGPT帶動GenAI市場熱潮後,NVIDIA在GPU AI市場領先地位日愈明顯...
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根據全球市場研究機構集邦科技TrendForce調查顯示,server DRAM在本月在報價上呈現兩種不同的走勢;在DDR4部分,因渠道庫存積累過高...
本次Bulletin重點在於中系CSPs及相關enterprise OEMs市場及業者發展動態更新,並更新server需求之全年展望...
根據全球市場研究機構集邦科技TrendForce調查顯示,server DRAM市場持續受益於價格上漲和DDR5出貨增長的推動...