“Industry Dynamics and Demand Outlook” is jointly produced by the following research divisions under TrendForce: Semiconductor Research, Display Research, and ICT Application Research. The report is an integration of their research expertise, and provides the followings: (1) Market Status; (2) Industry Dynamics; and (3) Industry Trends. This report aims to help members grasp on market dynamics, manage investment risks, and formulate business strategies by offering valuable forecasts on the industry.
1. AI Servers
2. Servers
3. Wearables
4. Notebooks
5. Monitors
6. Smartphones
7. Automotive Applications
8. Tablets
9. Televisions
3Q21 NAND Flash市場面短評:data center採購力道仍強,enterprise客戶需求也隨歐美逐步解封有所增長...
2Q21 NAND Flash市場面短評:雖然smartphone因印度疫情呈現衰退,但server與data center客戶採購量明顯增長以及notebook需求仍強...
1Q21 NAND Flash市場面短評:server、data center客戶採購量略有恢復但仍屬疲軟...
4Q20 NAND Flash市場面短評:需求端去化庫存尚未結束,server與data center客戶採購量仍然疲軟...
3Q20 NAND Flash市場面短評:需求端進入庫存調整階段,server/data center客戶為調整半成品庫存累積過高的狀況...
2Q20 NAND Flash市場面短評:新冠肺炎疫情衝擊層面廣泛,仰賴實體通路的需求均受創嚴重...
1Q20 NAND Flash市場面短評:新冠肺炎疫情不確定性因素籠罩市場需求面,能否回穩仍須觀察製造端復工狀況...
根據集邦科技調查,由於中國於2/10陸續開工,本週的special report將著重於開工後實際狀況的呈現,也如先前預估...